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Hindu Puranas Quotes And Teachings

A collection of quotes and teachings from Hindu Puranas.

By the action of the undifferentiated air, the different notes, known as do, etc, are produced through the several holes of the flute. So, also, arising from the undifferentiated supreme Self, many states of being appear to exist. (Vishnu Purana)

From the signless comes for the sign, the universe. This sign is the object of word and touch, of smell, color and taste. It is the womb of the elements, subtle and gross. (Linga Purana 1.3.3 – 4)

Hindu Puranas Quotes And Teachings

Because she is the source of development, Nature (prakriti) is compared to a womb. The womb is Nature, basis of all. The enjoyer is Shiva. He is the giver of enjoyment. There is no other giver. (Shiva Purana 1.16.101)

Passion soon penetrates everyone it gets an entrance into (Watch out for unruly passion, is the implied lesson). (Markandeya Purana)

Don't give away more than you can handle.  (Markandeya Purana)

When all the energies of the mind, including those of the organs of knowledge and of action, become concentrated as a unified mental mode directed to the Supreme Being, spontaneous like an instinct and devoid of any extraneous motives, the resulting state of mind is called Bhakti. It is superior even to Mukti. Like fire it burns up the soul’s sheath of ignorance. (Bhagavata Purana 3.25. 32-33)

It is true that Bhagvan grants the fulfillment of their prayers to those devotees who approach Him with worldly desires. But by this Bhagavan does not bestow on them the real fulfillment; for it is found that when one desire is satisfied, they approach Bhagavan with new desires. But in regard to those who worship Bhagavan without any desire (i.e, with pure love), Bhagavan, out of His own accord, bestows on them His grace, which roots out all wants (and establishes them in the bliss of Divine communion) Srimad Bhagavata 5.19.27.

The right path of spiritual regeneration for men who are distracted in mind by continued involvement in worldly affairs, so fleeting and full of fears, is to devote themselves to the service of Bhagavan – to perform all actions without desiring the fruits of action. Srimad Bhagavata 7.5.5.

The mind might have been restrained from running to external objects; one’s nature as spirit might have been understood; the desire for psychic powers might have disappeared; even the ego of having attained to spiritual perfection might have been abandoned. Still the spiritual aspirant should be assiduous in the practice of disciplines until he has developed delight and absorption in (the hearing and contemplation of)Divine excellences. (Bhagavata 4.23.12)