Akshaya Tritiya in Tamil Nadu is observed on the third day after Amavasya in Chithirai Month and the popular belief is that Dhanalakshmi form of Ashtalakshmi will visit the house on the day. In 2025, the date of Akshaya Tritiya is April 30.
It is believed that which is bought and received will increase by manifold by the blessings of Dhanalakshmi. In
As per Tamil culture, the gold that is bought on Akshaya Tritiya is kept in puja room and pujas are performed. People wear the particular jewellery bought on Akshaya Tritiya for the entire year. Symbolically it represents the presence of Dhanalakshmi at the house.
People also buy or order for new vehicles, invest in property, real estate, house and also purchase clothes, household articles and utensils.