Poet, saint, scholar and spiritual leader of the post-Ramanujacharya period –Vedanta Desika Swamy performed numerous miracles during his life. One such miracle is raining gold to help a poor bachelor by chanting the Sri Stuthi.
Vedanta Desika rendered the Sri Stuthi extempore to help a poor bachelor who came to him for alms. As Vedanta Desika, opted himself for a humble life, he took the poor man to a temple of Goddess Mahalakshmi and rendered the Sri Stuthi. Sri (Goddess Lakshmi) was so pleased that She instantly showered gold coins. Even without touching them, he gave them away to the bachelor and saved him from dire poverty.
It is said that Hayagriva manifestation of Bhagavan Vishnu blessed Vedanta Desika with Garuda Mantra. Hayagriva is the bestower of both happiness and knowledge.
Vedanta Desika is regarded as the incarnation of the divine bell of Tirupati Venkateswara at Ananda Nilayam by the Vadakalai branch of Sri Vaishnavism. The Vadakalai Sampradayam owes it to Vedanta Desika and has been followed by the jeeyars of the Ahobila Math in its true sense.