Maa Dhumavati is the seventh among the Dasa Mahavidyas – the 10 Mother Goddess concept in Hinduism and Tantrism. Goddess Dhumavati is an unusual aspect of Mother Goddess as She is consumed in smoke – She is the purifier. Dhumavati Beej Mantra is chanted for overcoming all kinds of impurities and ignorance in life. Some adepts chant this mantra to secure victory over wrongdoers.
Dhumavati Beej Mantra Text in Hindi and English
Dhum Dhum Dhumavati Swaha
धूम धूम धूमावती स्वाहा
धूम धूम धूमावती स्वाहा
Benefits of Chanting Dhumavati Beej Mantra
- The beej mantra is chanted for attaining liberation from ignorance. She purifies a devotee who has been made impure by false knowledge.
- She saves a devotee from cycle of birth and death and ignorance by burning down the sins of previous births.
- She is worshipped through the mantra for destruction of enemies.
- She keeps out all kinds of misfortune and negative forces from the life of a devotee.