For human beings worship of god with form is always better
than the worship of the formless Brahman. Lord Krishna answers this question in
the 12th chapter of the Bhagavad Gita, he replies that both are
equally good and will lead to the same goal of liberation but of the two,
worship of God with form is better for the human being – as we are incapable of
conceiving of anything which is nameless and formless.
Actually, the supreme vision is that which sees the same God
in both the manifest and in the unmanifest. But such a vision is very rare, so
to make it easier for the common man to approach the divinity. Hinduism gives
many gods out of which anyone can be chosen depending on our personality and
Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita
In howsoever a way a person approaches me, I will go to him
in that very same form, for people approach me in many ways O Arjuna!
Whether you approach him as Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Devi…, it
matters not, for the same force is in all and that force or energy or spirit
will approach you in that very form which appeals to you most and fulfil your
desires, because in the end there is only one form!
No form is confined to a particular form but actually point
to the Supreme Brahman.
When any person whether Hindu or otherwise clings to one form alone and does not realize that it is only a pointer to the Supreme, he is like a person who clings to the signpost thinking that he has reached his destination.
Inspired by an article
titled ‘bhakti’ by Vanamali in the book – The Science Called Hinduism