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Shatakshi Devi Puja Vidhi – Procedure – With Mantra – How To Perform Devi Shatakshi Puja?

Shatakshi Devi is the form of Mother Goddess Durga in which she feeds all living beings. She is worshipped for ending poverty and for the never-ending supply of food items. Below is Shatakshi Devi puja vidhi or procedure along with mantra. This is a simple guide on how to perform Shatakshi Devi Puja and is ideal for performing it at home.

Shatakshi Devi Mantra

 शताक्षे शंखिनीभ्यां चक्षूरोगान् शमय तेजो दर्शय नमः॥

When to Perform Goddess Shatakshi Devi Puja?

The ideal day to perform the puja:
  • Purnima Tithi – full moon day.
Legend has is that when Mother Goddess Durga appeared in this form, she had 1000 eyes. That is the reason why she is known as Shakakshi - the thousand-eyed Goddess.

Benefits of Performing Devi Shatakshi Puja

  • Cure from eye ailments.
  • There will always be food in the house.
  • Even the incurable disease will be cured.
It is said that when she appeared on earth, she saw her children suffering due to drought. She kept crying for 9 days. Her tears watered earth and plants appeared.

Simple Shatakshi Devi Puja Vidhi

  • The puja should be performed early morning after sunrise or during the pradosh period (1.5 hours before sunset).
  • The murti (picture, photo or painting) of Shatakshi Devi worshipped should be green in color. She should be surrounded by vegetables and fruits. It should be placed on a green color cloth.
  • The puja should be performed facing north.
  • The person performing puja should wear green color clothes.
  • A bronze lamp should be used. The lamp should be lit using til oil (sesame oil). One wick is preferred.
  • Red shoe flower should be offered if not available other red color flowers
  • Dhoop should be of Gugal
  • Offer uncooked wheat.
  • Offer sindhoor.
  • Offer kadhu or pumpkin.
  • Tilak should be of kesar.
  • The bhog or Prasad or naivedya on the day should be prepared using Jaggery (gud). It should be later shared with family members.
  • The mantra  शताक्षे शंखिनीभ्यां चक्षूरोगान् शमय तेजो दर्शय नमः॥ should be chanted 108 times. The count should be kept on a red chandan mala.

Special Pujas

  • To cure eye ailments show water to Chandra (full moon) and later use it to wash the eyes daily.
  • Offer uncooked wheat (gehu) to Goddess Shatakshi and later keep it hidden in kitchen for 15 days.
  • For early cure from diseases, offer pumpkin to Goddess and later keep it in an intersection.