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Procedure Of Taking Sannyasa In Hinduism

The procedure of taking sannyasa (renunciation) in Hinduism is found the upanishads like Katha Rudra and Paramahamsa Parivrajaka. The procedures are:
  1. Study of Vedas as a celibate student  (brahmacharin)
  2. Performance of duties as per knowledge texts like Vedas
  3. Marriage, begetting children and providing them with suitable means
  4. Permission of elders and members of family for taking sannyasa
  5. Resorting to the forest and performing the Agnihotra Yajna for twelve nights
  6. Gifts to be offered to a teacher
  7. Abandonment of all external symbols like tuft, sacred thread etc and receiving Kashaya vastra (ochre clothes) and a staff from teacher.
According to Paramahamsa Parivrajaka Upanishad, these steps are not necessary for a person who is already detached from the worldly life and whose mind is engrossed in Brahman – the supreme truth.

Such a person may become a sannyasin at any stage in life and need not perform any ritual for taking to sannyasa.