Swami Sivananda (8 September 1887 – 14 July 1963) was a Hindu spiritual teacher and a proponent of Yoga and Vedanta. He is the founder of Divine Life Society. Below is a collection of quotes of Swami Sivananda on Peace and Concentration of Mind.
Peace is not in the heart of the carnal man. Peace is in the heart of a desireless man, who has controlled his senses and the mind. Greed, lust, jealousy, envy, anger, pride and egoism are the enemies of peace. Slay these enemies by the sword of dispassion, discrimination, and non-attachment. You will enjoy perpetual peace.
Peace is not in money, estate, bungalows and possessions. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but within the soul.
Withdraw yourself from external objects. Meditate and rest in your soul. You will realize everlasting peace now.
Nothing can bring you peace, but yourself. Nothing can bring you peace, but the victory over your lower self, triumph over your senses and mind, desires and cravings. If you have no peace within yourself, it is vain to seek it in external objects and outward sources.
A proper understanding of the essential unity of religions is the most effective and powerful factor in bringing peace in this world. It will remove all superficial differences and conflicts which create restlessness, discord and quarrels.
Peace to be lasting and constructive must be achieved through God.
A peaceful mind is your most precious capital.
Realize first your unity with all the members of your family, then with all the members of your community, then with all the members of your district, then with all the members of your state, then with all the members of the whole nation, then with all the people of the whole world. If you succeed in this attempt, then only can you realize your unity or oneness with God.
How to achieve concentration of mind? – Swami Sivananda
Make the mind one-pointed by collecting all the dissipated rays of the mind. Withdraw the mind from all sense-objects again and again and try to fix the mind on your Lakshya or point of meditation or center. Gradually you will have concentration of mind or one-pointedness. You must be patient and persevering. You must be very regular in your practice. Then only you will succeed. Regularity is of paramount importance.
Swami Sivananda
Few Other Thoughts of Swami Sivananda
True independence is an inner life free from the sovereignty of anger, lust and greed.
Even till the very end of one’s life one should be vigilant against egoism. It raises its head in various forms. Man is often deceived and side-tracked by it.
Sin is a mistake committed by the ignorant Jiva during his journey towards Sat-Chit-Ananda abode.
All worldly pleasures appear as nectar in the beginning, but become virulent poison in the end.