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Maitreya Upanishad Teachings and Quotes

Teachings and Thoughts from Maitreya Upanishad

Sound, touch, and others which seem to be Artha (wealth) are in fact Anartha (evil). The bhutatma (the lower self) clinging to these never remembers the Supreme Truth.

Through Tapas (meditation and selfless sacrifice), Sattwa (Stability of the mind) is acquired; through Sattwa, a pure mind is acquired; and through mind, Paramatma (the higher self is reached). Through attaining Atma, one gets liberation. Just as fire, when fuel is exhausted, calms down in itself, so the mind, when its activity is exhausted, becomes inactive and returns to its source.

When the mind is calmed down into its source – a person is not affected by the actions performed by him as he is without attachment.

It is the mind that constitutes worldly life; this should be purified. Whatever the mind thinks of that nature he becomes; this is the eternal secret.

By the purity of the mind one destroys the effect of good and bad actions. When with a pure mind one remains in the Self one enjoys inexhaustible bliss.

What is the use of material wealth to me or any other? Oceans dry up. Mountains sink down. The positions of Pole Star and of trees change. Earth is drowned. Therefore what avail to me is the gratification of desires, since one who clings to the gratification of desires is found to return again and again to this Samsara (mundane existence).

Sound, touch, and others which seem to be Artha (wealth) are in fact Anartha (evil). The lower self clinging to these never remembers the Supreme Seat.

Just as fire without fuel is absorbed into its own womb, so Chitta (thought) through the destruction of its modifications is absorbed into its own womb (source). It is Chitta alone that is Samsara. It should be cleansed with effort. Whatever his Chitta (thinks), of that nature he becomes.

Maitreya Upanishad