Swami Dayananda Saraswati, the founder of Arya Samaj, framed 10 principles of Arya Samaj. These principles or commandments as they are called are as follows.
- Parameshwara (God) is the fountain of all true knowledge and the primeval cause of all things knowable.
- Worship is due to Ishwara (God), who is all truth, all knowledge, all beatitude, incorporeal, almighty, just, merciful, unbegotten, infinite, unchangeable without a beginning, incomparable, the support and the Lord of all, all pervading, omniscient, imperishable, immortal, exempt from fear, eternal, holy and the cause of the Universe.
- Vedas are the books of true knowledge and it is paramount duty of every Arya to read or hear them read, to teach and preach them to others.
- An Arya should always be ready to accept the truth and renounce untruth when discovered.
- Dharma, after consummate deliberation should be his guiding principle in all actions.
- The primary object of the Samaj is to go to the world for improving the physical, intellectual, spiritual, moral and social condition of humankind.
- An Arya should manifest love for all and appreciation of justice in his behavior towards others.
- He should endeavor to diffuse knowledge and dispel ignorance.
- He should not be content with his own improvement, but look for it in that of others as well.
- In matters which affect the general social well being of humanity, he ought to discard all differences and not allow his individuality to obtrude; but in strictly personal matters, everyone may have his own way.
Source -
Encyclopedia of Hinduism Volume I page 433 - IHRF
An English Translation of the Satyarth Prakash (1970) Durga Prasad - Jan Gyan Prakashan New Delhi