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Important Teachings Of Sri Ramakrishna – Core Teachings of Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

There is no dearth of the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. A devotee might get lost in the ocean of literature available on the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa. Here are some of the important teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. The core teachings were collected from an article published in the March 2019 edition of Vedanta Kesari.

  1. Realisation of the Self or God, which is basically the same, is the goal of life.
  2. Supreme bliss and wisdom is impossible without such a realisation, because God/Atman is the only source of such bliss and wisdom.
  3. For such realisation one needs attachment to God and detachment from worldly things; unless one gives up lesser, temporary things, one cannot get higher and eternal things.
  4. Though self-effort is very important for spiritual realisation, finally, it depends on the grace of God.
  5. While for monks both inner and outer renunciation is necessary, for householders inner or mental renunciation, or giving up attachment to the world is required.
  6. To achieve detachment one needs to practice discrimination between the eternal and the non-eternal.
  7. It is not enough to read or hear about God, one must do spiritual practices regularly and sincerely and with sincere yearning for God.
  8. God is limitless; we should not limit Him.
  9. As many faiths so many paths.
  10. Each should wholeheartedly follow his/her own religion, and respect the religions of others.
  11. The two important practices for householders are occasional solitary living for practicing spiritual disciplines, and holy company.
  12. God incarnates as a human being to show people the path of eternal joy and wisdom and liberate them.
  13. These are the four paths of realisation: Jnana (Knowledge) Karma (Selfless Work), Bhakti (Devotion) and Yoga (Meditation). And the fifth path is the harmonisation of all those Yogas. One should follow these paths according to one’s ability and aptitude.