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Teachings On Self Control From Bhagavad Gita

Quotes and teachings on self control from the Bhagavad Gita.

Serenity of mind, good-heartedness, silence, self-control, purity of nature - these together are called the mental austerity. (17.16)

Undoubtedly, O mighty-armed one, the mind is difficult to control and is restless; but, by practice, O Son of Kunti, and by dispassion, it is restrained. (6.35)

From whatever cause the restless and the unsteady mind wanders away, from that let him restrain it, and bring it back under the control of the Self alone. (6.26)

The turbulent senses, O son of Kunti, do violently carry away the mind of a wise-man, though he be striving (to control them). (2.60)

Having restrained them all, he should sit steadfast, intent on Me; his Wisdom is steady, whose senses are under control. (2.61)

It is desire and anger, the ravenous and the deadly,
Which are born out of Rajas Guna.
Recognize these for they are your foe in this world.
Just as smoke envelopes the fire,
Just as dust hides the mirror,
And the embryo is hidden in the womb,
Similarly knowledge or Atman is covered by desire and lust.
The insatiable fire of desire covers true knowledge or the Atman,
Therefore, it is the constant enemy of the wise man.
It abides in the mind, intellect and the senses.
Through them it deludes the embodied and bewilders its judgement.
Therefore Arjuna control your senses,
And kill this evil, which obstructs your discriminative knowledge,
And hinders the realization of Atman.
Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 3, Verses 36 to 42)

No authority or effectiveness in life is possible unless the man in power has self control and self mastery. No man can live a happy and mighty life unless he has conquered his passions and crowned himself with kingship over himself. (11.17)

O mighty armed! As the ocean remains calm and undisturbed, though the waters flow into it, so a self-controlled man remains unmoved when desires enter into him. Such a saint attains peace, not he who craves the objects of sense!

A man with a disciplined mind, who moves among sense objects, with the senses under control and free from attachment and aversion, he rises to a state of peace…having attained peace, there is for him an end of all sorrow; of such a man of peace the understanding soon attains equilibrium.

Control thy sense at the outset, and slay this sinful destroyer of jnana and vijnana.