By chanting this Surya mantra, you will be increasing the chances of getting a government job manifold. Sarkari naukari is a dream for millions of job seekers in India.
Surya Mantra For Government Job
एहि सूर्य सहस्त्रांशो तेजोराशे जगत्पते।
अनुकम्पय मां भक्त्या गृहणार्ध्य दिवाकर।।
How To Chant The Mantra?
- The mantra is to be chanted daily in the morning facing the rising sun.
- Fill a copper vessel (तांबे के बर्तन) with water and put some red sandalwood paste (लाल चंदन), rice (चावल ) and red flowers (लाल रंग के फूल).
- Pray to the rising sun and offer the water from the copper vessel.
- Chant the mantra 7 times daily for 41 days.