Sahaj Samadhi meditation is a kind of yoga. Sahaj is a Sanskrit word formed of two parts: saha (along with) and ja (birth). Each of us is born with great potential, which however is covered and prevented from unfolding our ignorance, attitudes, traits and acquired weaknesses. If this covering were removed, we could all enjoy our true potential.
Sahaj when it appears exhibits the three qualities:
- Sat – to be ever conscious of the truh;
- Jnanam – to have a total understanding of all that is perceived;
- Anandam – to be in a state of boundless joy.
In Hatha Yoga Pradipika, a person who has realized sahaja is called a jivanmukta (jivanmukti scha sahaja turiya cetyekavacakaha 4/4)
The state of sahaj is called jivanmukti because in it a person is free from the bondage that prevents the realization of the qualities of sat, jnana, and ananda.
The state of sahaj samadhi meditation is compared to a seedless raisin. Just as every part of the raisin tastes sweet, so too a person in the state of sahaja is joyful at all times, full of clarity in every situation and is ever conscious of this state. Such a person is also called a muktama.
The realizing of our true potential is possible for everyone of us, provided there is sustained conscious effort to remove the various covers.
This is the purpose of Yoga, to recognize and the eliminate the unnatural veils
that are preventing the state of sahaj from coming forth and shining through
all aspects of our being.
Sahaja Samadhi is the state of Samadhi which does not come and go, but which is always there.