Bad positioning of the bed and other accessories in the bedroom can result in disturbed sleep and problems in love life. Relationship between couples will improve if the bed and other items in the bedroom are kept as per Vastu. Here are vastu tips regarding position of bed in Hindu religion.
- Never keep bed between two doors – like the main door and bathroom door. This will result in poor health and lack of mental peace.
- Bed should not be kept on the wall connecting bedroom and bathroom. This will result in lack of peace. This will result in having a bad sex life. If it is not possible to shift the bed. Then the wall and the bed should be separated using a wood piece.
- Mirror should not be kept in front of the bed. This will result in bad health. There will be negative effect on relationship between people sleeping the bedroom.
- Keep the head portion of bed on east or south side of the room. If the room is diagonal then the best option is southeast.
- The bedroom should be big and there should be cross ventilation. Every morning the windows should be opened and the curtains should be drawn. This will result positive energy in the room.
- Windows should be on the side of the bed and not behind the bed. There should be proper wall on the headrest side of the bed.
- Bed should be made of proper wo0d. The best wood for making bed is teakwood. One should not sleep on bed made using wrought iron. Plastic beds should also be avoided.
- Bed should not be placed below beam. This will result in disturbed sleep and stress.
- If the bedroom is having slope ceiling, then bed should be kept in the middle where the distance between the floor and roof is maximum. Bed should not be keep near the roof.
- POP (Plaster of Paris) ceiling should be plain and flat like a normal ceiling. There should not be designs on it. This will result in accumulation of dust and there will be constant health issues for people sleeping in such rooms.
- There should be free space below the bed so that energy can flow through. It is also good for cleaning. This will result in good health of the person sleeping in the room.
- Television and other entertainment units should be not kept in the bedroom. This will result in negative energy and disturbed sleep.