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Sudden Wealth Mantra Of Goddess Lakshmi – Quick Wealth Mantra

There are lot of people among us who wish to become wealthy quickly. Is there mantra in Hindu religion that will make me rich quickly? Such questions are common. There are some quick wealth mantra in Hindu astrology texts. Here is a sudden wealth mantra dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi.

Quick Wealth Mantra of Goddess Lakshmi

Heem Kleem Ghamtakarnam Namasotute Tda: Tda: Tda Swaha
हीं क्लीं घंटाकर्णों नमोस्तुते ::: स्वाहा

How To Chant Sudden Wealth Mantra?

  • The mantra is to be chanted for 60 days continuously.
  • The mantra chanting should begin on the Krishna Paksha Chaturdashi or the fourteenth day of waning or dark phase of moon.
  • The mantra should be chanted 108 times in the morning facing east during sunrise.
  • The count of chanting should be kept on a lotus bead or kamal ghatta mala.
My personal belief is that hard work, single-pointed focus, determination and devotion are necessary for success in any field. Mantras only help in improving our confidence.