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Symbolism Of Homa Bird As Explained By Sri Ramakrishna - Mythical Huma Bird

There is a reference of Homa bird in the sky in the teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. It is rich in symbolism and it is explained by Sri Ramakrishna in the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna (verse 88).

The Vedas speak of the homa bird. It lives high up in the sky and there it lays its egg. As soon as the egg is laid it begins to fall; but it is so high up that it continues to fall for many days. As it falls it hatches, and the chick falls. As the chick falls its eyes open; it grows wings. As soon as its eyes open, it realizes that it is falling and will be dashed to pieces on touching the earth. Then it at once shoots up toward the mother bird high in the sky.

The Huma or Homa — is a mythical bird of victory whose plume adorned the crowns of Iranian kings.

This bird is an important mythological bird of Persia. It is widely mentioned in Sufi fable. The Huma is a compassionate bird, and its shadow, or tough, is auspicious. The Huma landing on a person’s head or shoulder indicates divine appointment of kingship.

A huma bird spends its entire life high in the air, never coming to land. For this reason, the bird is known as the bird of paradise.

A huma bird is like the Ardhanarishwara form of Shiva – both male and female is infused in one body – the female has one wing and one leg and the male has the other wing and leg.

 There is no mention of Homa or Huma in the Vedas. There is the reference of the eagle as the bird getting soma.

Sri Ramakrishna might have heard the story from the Sufis.