Below are Hindu Quotes from Bhagavad Gita for a Happy and
Peaceful Life. The Bhagavad Gita specifies twenty values in Chapter XIII (8
to 12) of which even a couple of them are followed one’s life will surely
become happy and peaceful.
- Amanitvam - Humility.
- Adambhitvam - Without pride
- Ahimsa - Non-violence.
- Kshanti - Tolerance.
- Arjavam - Simplicity.
- Acaryopasanam - Service to the teacher.
- Saucam - Cleanliness (internal and external).
- Sthairyam - Steadfastness.
- Atma vinigraha – Self-control.
- Vairagyam – Renunciation.
- Anahankara - Absence of ego.
- Janmamrityu jaravyadhi duhkha dosa anudarsanam - Reflection of the sufferings of life-death, old age-disease, and distress.
- Asakti - Non-attachment.
- Anabhisvanga putradaragrhadishu - Detachment towards son and wife.
- Nityam samacittatvam istanistopapattishu - Equanimity amidst pleasant and unpleasant happenings.
- Mayi ca ananyayogena bhaktih avyabhicarini - Constant and unalloyed devotion towards God.
- Vivikta desa sevitvam - Love for solitary life.
- Aratir janasamsadi - Detachment towards company of people.
- Adhyatmajnana nityatvam - Understanding the importance of self-realisation.
- Tattvajananartha darsanam - Philosophical search of the ultimate truth.
Source: Excerpt from an interview with Dr S. Kannan, a
Chennai-based chartered accountant, and author of ‘Vedic Management’ published
in the Business section of The Hindu date January 20, 2009