These teachings are from Vedas as narrated by Nitya Chaitanya Yati and they are valuable lessons against practicing untouchability. Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati (1923 - 1999) was a philosopher, psychologist, author and poet. He was an exponent of Advaita Vedanta.
In the Isavasya Upanishad the opening verse begins with a pertinent question – “Whose is wealth? (kasya svid dhanam?). The answer is also given in the same verse: ‘Everything belongs to God’ (Ishavasyam idam Sarvam).
In the Isavasya Upanishad the opening verse begins with a pertinent question – “Whose is wealth? (kasya svid dhanam?). The answer is also given in the same verse: ‘Everything belongs to God’ (Ishavasyam idam Sarvam).
After declaring this cardinal truth, the Upanishad gives a golden instruction: “Do not grab (exploit) and learn the excellence of living an unselfish life.”
In spite of such definite instructions given by the best of ancient teachers, most Indian people treat their fellow beings more abominably than dirt, and the powerful among them go on depriving the majority of their rightful means.
That danger is also given as a caution in the Isha Upanishad – Demonic are those worlds of the blinding darkness of ignorance into which they go, the deniers of the self who are already dead to the spirit of truth.”
Most people who pride themselves as Hindus come under this category of the marauders of the self because they are too gross and selfish to see the Self. They look at their most beneficial helpers in society with hatred and disgust and call them untouchables.
The Upanishad further throws light on the clarity of spiritual vision in verses 6 and 7 which read, “He who sees all beings in his Self and sees his Self in all, how can that person be disgusted of another one? When the other is seen as not other one’s Self, what delusion or sorrow can he have if endowed with unitive vision?