Ashta Aishwaryam in Hinduism is associated with worldly living and is part of the Grihasthashram. It is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, Vishnu, Ganesha and Kubera. Ashta Aishwaryam are the eight signs of materialistic prosperity gained mainly due to the good karmas of previous birth and this birth.
A benign form of the Mother Goddess, Lakshmi symbolizes cleanliness (purity internal and external), wealth and generosity. Seated on a lotus growing from a lake, she is purified by white elephants symbolic of good fortune, fertility and abundance. The cascade of gold coins signifies prosperity, as does the gold embroidery on Her red clothing.
A benign form of the Mother Goddess, Lakshmi symbolizes cleanliness (purity internal and external), wealth and generosity. Seated on a lotus growing from a lake, she is purified by white elephants symbolic of good fortune, fertility and abundance. The cascade of gold coins signifies prosperity, as does the gold embroidery on Her red clothing.
Eight Signs Of Materialistic Prosperity
- Dhanam – Cash and Gold,
- Dhanyam – Paddy (food)
- Santhanam – Children,
- Jaya – Victory (success in life)
- Dhairya – Courage (Determination and single-minded focus to achieve success),
- Ayudha bala – Weaponry (intelligence and ability to make wealth)
- Rajyam – Kingdom (property)
- Vahanam – Vehicles
Ashta Aishwaryam should be attained while leading the family life - the second of the four Ashramas as per Hinduism.
Ashta Aishwaryam should be gathered only through Dharma. That which is attained by hurting another living being will end up destroying peace and prosperity.
Ashta Aishwaryam should be given away without any kind of attachment as one enters the next ashrama that is the Vanaprastha ashrama.
But in today’s world people want to cling on to Ashta Aishwaryam. They are not ready to give it away. They carry it till their last birth. The net result is acquiring of bad karma which results in inferior births.
When there is attachment to Ashta Aishwaryam there is sorrow in this world and in the next world.