This is a collection of Inspirational Subhashita Ratnavali. The Subhasitas are sanskrit wise sayings and this is English translation of them.
That which overcomes intoxication is true knowledge, that which showers the needy is true wealth, that which follows Dharma is said to be intellect.
Listen to good words, even from a child.
Wherever there are these six – industriousness, courage, fortitude, intelligence, strength and achievements, there divine cooperation is present.
The company of the noble is more pleasant than the moon and the sandal paste.
A slap of the hand from an enemy will not hurt, but the angry touch even with a flower from a friend will wound.
For noble-minded ones, entire universe is family.
Dharma will protect those who protect Dharma.
Truth is one and the Sages call it by different names.
In life, what we give must be more than what we take.
By fulfilling those desires in us, those desires don't go away.
Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, goes to the man endowed with self-effort. Only cowards harp on destiny. So ignore destiny and manifest your manliness by the power of your Self. If despite your best efforts success eludes you, what does it matter?
True asceticism lies not in the emaciation of one’s body, but rather in non-violence, truthfulness, gentility, restraint and compassion.
Ascetic’s forest retreat has its pitfalls and that it is better to look for virtue in an honest labourer’s house.
Ascetics who angrily teach others not to lose their tempers is like penniless alchemists teaching others the secret of becoming rich.
There are three jewels on this earth, namely water, food and good sayings. Only fools call stone pieces jewels.
In the poisonous tree of life, there are two nectarine fruits. One of them is the tasty noble sayings and other is the company of noble people.
Kingship and knowledge are never equal to each other. A king is respected only in his own country, where as scholar is respected wherever he goes.
A student gains a quarter portion of knowledge from his teacher, a quarter of it from one’s own intelligence, a quarter from fellow students, and a quarter from time (experience).