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Bhanu Name of Vishnu – Meaning and significance of Vishnu as Bhanuh

Bhanuh (Bhanu) is one among the numerous names of Vishnu. The name is found in the Vishnu Sahasranama and numerous other scriptures and prayers. The meaning of Bhanuh is that Vishnu imparts brightness to the Sun (Surya in Hinduism).

The significance of the name also comes from the fact that Sun is an aspect of Vishnu. It is also said that Surya (Sun) emanated from the eyes of Bhagwan Shri Hari Vishnu.

The solar aspect of Vishnu and his connection with Surya, who is the pratyaksha Brahman or Visible God, is found in several Hindu scriptures.

The term is mainly used to mean that Surya is also an aspect of Vishnu.