As per Hinduism, nothing in the world happens without a
reason. This is an important teaching in Hindu religion. All actions are
connected in one way or the other. The story of Goddess Lakshmi cursing Lord
Vishnu – May your head fall off – is found in the Devi Bhagavatam which is
part of the Markandeya Purana.
Lord Vishnu was taking rest after his long battle against
demons Madhu and Kaitabha. The Devas wanted to wake him up to take his help in
defeating another demon who had stolen the Vedas.
Lord Vishnu was sleeping by leaning his head to his mighty
bow Saranga. On the advice of Brahma, termites devoured one end of the bow
causing the bow string to snap.
The bow string severed the head of Lord Vishnu and the head
was no longer to be seen.
Darkness engulfed the universe and there were evil omens all
around. Huge meteorites appeared in the sky. There was volcanic eruptions, dust
storms and huge winds. The snapping sound of the bow kept on echoing throughout
the universe.
All evil forces including asuras came out to celebrate the
end of Lord Vishnu.
The alarmed Devas on the advice of Brahma offered prayers to
Goddess Shakti.
Goddess Parasakthi appeared before the Devas and told them
that there is a reason for the severed head of Lord Vishnu.
She then narrates two incidents that had previously happened
and which are directly connected to the disappearance of the head of Lord
Lord Vishnu was once in a playful mood and looked the face
of his consort, Goddess Lakshmi, and started laughing.
Goddess Lakshmi did not find the laughter to be amusing and
thought her husband had found something ugly in her face. She became angry and
soon she was filed with tamo-shakti (negative energy).
Anger of Goddess Lakshmi soon turned into doubt. She thought
Vishnu was comparing her face with that of another woman.
Tamo-shakti completely overpowered Goddess Lakshmi and she cursed
him ‘May your head fall off.’
It is due to this curse that the Vishnu’s head was severed.
Now there was a reason for Goddess Lakshmi cursing Lord
A horse-faced demon named Hayagriva had got the boon from
Goddess Shakti that he would only be killed by one who has a horse-face like
Hayagriva had grown into a scourge to all beings in the
universe. His aim was to wipe out the Vedas along with it Dharma. It was time
to put an end to this tyranny and this is the reason why the head of Vishnu got
After listening to Goddess Shakti, the Devas with the help
of Vishwakarma, the divine architect, attached a horse’s head to Vishnu’s body.
Soon Lord Vishnu stood up and gave a wild neigh which shook
the entire universe, explosions were heard all around, high waves from ocean
lashed the land and mountains shook. Then there was an eerie silence. Then, the
auspicious sound of conch reverberated through the universe.
Horse-headed Vishnu flew into the sky and took on the
horse-headed demon Hayagriva.
Soon the limbs of the demon were pulled apart. Thus
Vishnu put an end to the reign of the demon.
This manifestation of Vishnu came to be known as Hayagriva
and is associated with Vedas.