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Sriman and Srimati – Spiritual Importance and Symbolism

You might have come across the term Sriman and Srimati. The reference Srimati and Sriman Narayana are very common especially in Vaishnava theology. The term has deep spiritual importance and symbolism.

‘Sri’ in all these term is Goddess Lakshmi, the eternal consort of Vishnu.

She is inseparable from Narayana. Thus, she is omnipotent and omnipresent.

The Dvaya Mantra in Vaishnavism has two lines both of which have Sriman as the first word.

The suffix 'man' or 'mat' indicates the state of eternal union of Sri and Narayana.

By first invoking Sri, the Divine Mother, a seeker seeks her help in connecting with the Lord.

When self realization happens we will realize that there is no second. There is nothing outside. Mother and Father are one.

Sriman and Srimati merges into Sri and then into eternal silence...
