Sage Bharadvaja was one of the Saptarishis (seven sages) and
is believed to have authored Dharma Sutra, Shrauta Sutra and text associated
with grammar and Ayurveda. Story of Sage Bharadvaja narrates the determination
and devotion of Vedic seers in acquiring knowledge.
Sage Bharadvaja once ventured out to study entire Vedic
sciences. He soon realized that one life is not enough to study the Vedas,
various sciences, arts and all other knowledge.
To overcome this problem, along with studying, he performed
intense austerities to extend his life span.
He gathered new knowledge daily. The more he learned the
more was his appetite for knowledge.
Each Vedic deity that Sage Bharadvaja propitiated gave him
the boon of long life.
Finally, Sage Bharadvaja propitiated Indra and decided to
ask for a long life to learn all the sciences.
Indra appeared before the sage and told him that what he had
learned so far amounted to a handful of sand, whereas what still lay ahead was
a huge mountain.
Sage Bharadvaja was not disheartened by Indra’s words. He
asked for further extension of his life and continued his study.