If you have used idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses during
Diwali then it make all possible attempt to reuse it. All puja items should
contain only natural materials. Invest in permanent idols made of metal or
natural clay murtis. If it is not possible to reuse the idols then you can follow
the following methods:
- You can donate them to a responsible temple or sacred place, which has the capacity to take care of them.
- If it is made of natural items, then you can dig the earth and bury them.
- If you have idols made of plastic or POP (plaster of paris) then you will have to dispose them without harming nature. The best option is to give it away to authorities who dispose plastic and POP in the best possible way.
- Do not throw plastic and POP in water.
- In future, do not buy plastic puja items and plastic idols. Never buy POP idols for puja.
- All puja items should be of organic materials. You take some items from nature, perform puja and then return it back to nature.