Uddhava Gita is part of the Srimad Bhagavatam. It consists of the advices given by Lord Krishna to Uddhava. This is a collection of teachings from the Uddhava Gita.
With a pure mind one observe in all begins as well as in oneself only Me (Lord Krishna), the atman, who am both inside and out, and unobstructed like the sky.
O great soul, he who, taking his stand on pure knowledge, thus regards and honors all beings as Myself, who has the same attitude towards a Chandala as well as a Brahmana, a thief as well as a patron of the Brahmanas, a spark of fire as well as the sun, and a ruffian as well as a kind man is considered a sage.
Ideas of rivalry, jealousy, pity and egoism quickly depart from a man who always thinks of Me (Krishna ) in all men. (Uddhava Gita Chapter XXIV, verses 12 to 15)
From the earth I learned to remain undisturbed
Even while being oppressed
By those under the sway of their own destiny
The earth taught me not to deviate
From the course that I set for myself –
Just as it does not deviate
From its path around the sun.
Even while being oppressed
By those under the sway of their own destiny
The earth taught me not to deviate
From the course that I set for myself –
Just as it does not deviate
From its path around the sun.
As a disciple of this earth
I learned from its lofty mountains
That my movements should be guided
By the service and care of others.
As a disciple of this earth
I learned from its upright trees
That my life should be spent
In sweet dedication to the welfare of others
I learned from its lofty mountains
That my movements should be guided
By the service and care of others.
As a disciple of this earth
I learned from its upright trees
That my life should be spent
In sweet dedication to the welfare of others
Uddhava Gita
Source: – The Uddhava Gita – the final teaching of Krishna - Page 33 and Page 34 - Translated by Swami Ambikananda Saraswati
When one gets the knowledge of the Self as to who one is one becomes liberated. The one who has not made any self enquiry and has not attained self knowledge continues to be bound and suffers. Even though I may be a millionaire sleeping with thousands of rupees in my pocket, the moment I see myself as a beggar in the dream, I identify myself with the body of the beggar and become unhappy with my poverty. The moment I wake up I become aware of who I am and the sorrows suffered as a beggar cease.
A liberated person does not consider himself as the doer of any action as all actions take place in the Totality and the bodies are only instruments through which the Totality seems to work. So he is not at all concerned with what happens in this world drama. He is undifferentiated in this outlook and has even mind which has no preferences or choice.
Through self enquiry and contemplation, the delusion that each Self is different and there are as many souls as there are beings, should be removed. We should keep our pure mind concentrated on the all pervasive Supreme Self and completely withdraw ourselves from all worldly activities.
Lord Krishna in Uddhava Gita on the Effects of Sattva Guna
Control of mind and the senses, fortitude, discrimination, devotion to duty, truthfulness, compassion, circumspection, contentment, generosity, dispassion, faith, shame, charity, sincerity, modesty and taking pleasure in the Self are the effects of Sattva Guna.
The Gunas Sattva, Rajas and Tamas belong to the intellect and not to the Self. Through Sattva one should subdue the other two. And subdue Sattva also by means of Sattva itself – i.e. one should control the functions of truthfulness, compassion, etc. through that of absorption in Brahman.
Through developed Sattva a man attains to that form of spirituality which consists in devotion to the Supreme Soul. Through the use of Sattvika things Sattva is developed; this leads to spirituality.
That superior form of spirituality which is brought on by an increase of Sattva destroys Rajas and Tamas. And when both of these are destroyed, iniquity, which has its rise in them, is also quickly destroyed.
Words of Wisdom – On Wealth from Uddhava Gita
Even a small degree of greed is enough to destroy the untarnished reputation of a renowned man, and the most praiseworthy attributes of a virtuous man – just as white patches on skin spoils the most graceful features.
Riches seldom bring happiness to the wicked man. They only cause the mortification of his body while he is alive and pave the way for hell after he is dead.
Whether in the acquisition of wealth, or, after it has been acquired, in the increase, maintenance, expenditure, enjoyment, or loss of it, men undergo exertion, fear anxiety and delusion.
Uddhava Gita Teachings on the Qualities of a Liberated Person
A liberated person does not consider himself as the doer of any action and all actions take place in the Totality and the bodies are only instruments through which the Totality seems to work. So he is not at all concerned with what happens in this world drama.
He is undifferentiated in his outlook and has an even mind which has no preferences or choice.
Whether somebody does a work well or in a bad way, he neither praises nor rebukes. He does not do, talk about or think of anything as good or bad. He is always drowned in the bliss of his own Self. He is not concerned whether people worship him or torment him. ( A Quintessence of Uddhava Gita by Sri Swami Shantananda Puri)