Pancha pakshi shastra is the system of associating each
person with a particular bird. It is based on the natal moon star, state of
activity of the birds and whether it is a bright/dark fortnight with timings.
This birth bird astrology has followers in many regions of India.
The method of pancha pakshi shastra is very practical and is
derived from five tattvas. It can be used by an individual for complete
gratification in different walks of life.
The pancha tattvas are personified as pakshis (birds) and
gradations of their faculties are associated with five activities of the birds.
Each day is divided into five equal durations (day or
The five birds are
- Vulture
- Owl
- Crow
- Cock
- Peacock
The five activities are
- Eating
- Walking
- Running
- Sleeping
- Dying
Each bird performs all these five activities in a day or
night every day during the waxing and waning phase of the moon.
The duration of each activity is 1/5th of the day
or night i.e., 2 hours 24 minutes on an average.
The birth star and paksha fix the bird as follows:
If born during Shukla Paksha or waxing phase of moon
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini and Mrigasira the bird
is vulture if born during shukla paksha or waxing phase of moon. Friends are
peacock and owl. Enemies are crow and cock.
Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha and Purva Phalguni
the bird is owl if born during shukla paksha or waxing phase of moon. Friends
are vulture and crow. Enemies are cock and peacock.
Uttara phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati and Vishakha the bird
is crow if born during shukla paksha or waxing phase of moon. Friends are cock
and owl. Enemies are vulture and peacock.
Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mool, Purvashada, and Uttarashada the
bird is cock if born during shukla paksha or waxing phase of moon. Friends are owl
and peacock. Enemies are vulture and owl
Shravan, Dhanishta, Shathabisha, Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra
and Revathi the bird is peacock if born during shukla paksha or waxing phase of
moon. Friends are vulture and cock. Enemies are owl and crow.
If born during Krishna Paksha or waning phase of moon
Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini and Mrigasira the bird
is peacock if born during krishna paksha or waning phase of moon. Friends are vulture
and cock Enemies are owl and crow.
Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha and Purva Phalguni the
bird is cock if born during krishna paksha or waning phase of moon. Friends are
owl and peacock. Enemies are vulture and owl.
Uttara phalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati and Vishakha the bird
is crow if born during krishna paksha or waning phase of moon. Friends are cock
and owl. Enemies are vulture and peacock.
Anuradha, Jyeshta, Mool, Purvashada, and Uttarashada the
bird is owl if born during krishna paksha or waning phase of moon. Friends are vulture
and crow. Enemies are cock and peacock.
Shravan, Dhanishta, Shathabisha, Purvabhadra, Uttarabhadra
and Revathi the bird is vulture if born during krishna paksha or waning phase
of moon. Friends are peacock and owl. Enemies are crow and cock.
After the bird is decided, the activity of the bird, which
depends on Yama (two and a half hour segment of a day), is examined.
Death is the worst state, sleeping is inactive, walking is
the beginning of activities, in succession.
It all depends on the day of the week (day or night) and
whether it is a waxing or waning cycle of the moon.
Each activity can further be divided into five sub
Birds can be classified as friends and enemies and can be
used for the matching of horoscopes in matrimony or for deciding the outcome in
a race, battle and court cases.
The bird with superior activity always wins.
A consideration of birth bird and its state of action is
also useful for arriving at various aspects of personal life.
Birds are allotted direction, parts of body, color, genders,
dhatu, mula, jiva, figures and numbers. On the basis of these factors, Pancha
Pakshi Shastra can be used for deciding good and bad days and successful timings
for travels, coronation and other rituals.
The onset of sickness and puberty may also be studied using
this Shastra. It can also be utilized for obtaining horary solutions.
Notes taken from – Encyclopedia of Hinduism – Volume VIII – IHRF – ( page no 5 – 6)
Notes taken from – Encyclopedia of Hinduism – Volume VIII – IHRF – ( page no 5 – 6)