Shiva dancing on Nandi, the bull, is a popular image in North and Eastern parts of India . But this concept is not followed in South India . It is believed that Shiva first gave the
lessons of dancing to his most favorite disciple, Nandi. There are also images
of Shiva dancing ecstatically with Nandi.
Shiva is practically lost in his dance and Nandi beats the
When Shiva dances in the Nataraja form, Nandi is a mere spectator
and this is the most popular concept followed.
Shiva dancing and Nandi beating the drum is mentioned in the
Bengali translation of the Malatimadhava.
It must be noted here that in Odisha there are temples panels depicting Shiva dancing on Nandi.
It must be noted here that in Odisha there are temples panels depicting Shiva dancing on Nandi.