A collection of Quotes and Teachings of Sage Narada from various Hindu scriptures:
Seek the company of wise people and embrace their teachings in your thought, speech and action. (Sage Narada)
Seek the company of wise people and embrace their teachings in your thought, speech and action. (Sage Narada)
Renounce desire and attachment, as well as the company of those who are filled with desire and attachment. (Sage Narada)
Remember that nothing in this world belongs to you. You can use the objects of the world presented by your destiny, but at some point your must leave them behind in order to walk forward. (Sage Narada)
The praises of Narayana even if they are couched in wrong words, even if they are sung all out of tune, will assure of the Grace of the Lord. (Sage Narada)
The praises of Narayana even if they are couched in wrong words, even if they are sung all out of tune, will assure of the Grace of the Lord. (Sage Narada)
Like a pieces of Arni, which, when churned, will give forth smoke first and later fire which will consume the wood itself, even so, the mind of man, when churned by constant devotion of the Lord, will make all the evil in him come out onto the surface. The true sattvic nature of man will then blaze forth and, like fire, will consume the bondage of karma and grant him salvation for ever and ever. (Sage Narada)
Action which is performed in the world with a desire for returns involves man further in the coils of Maya. These same actions, however, when performed without any desire, with a dedicated frame of mind, will only hasten to break the bonds of Maya. Knowledge of Brahman wedded to the path of devotion will help man to perform actions dedicated to the Lord. Soon, very soon, the conditioned Atman will find freedom from the coils and become one with the infinite. (Sage Narada)
Story: Sage Narada Teaches Durvasa that Bookish Knowledge is not enough
Once Sage Narada was with Lord Shiva on Mount Kailasa . They were soon joined by several sages. Suddenly Sage Durvasa – a quick tempered Sanyasin – appeared with numerous scriptures. He ignored all those present there and went and sat beside Lord Shiva.
Lord Shiva asked sage Durvasa: ‘Oh holy sage, how are your studies progressing?’ The saint proudly displayed his scriptures and said ‘I have thoroughly studied these books and I know them by heart.’
Suddenly Narada stood up and called Durvasa a donkey carrying a burden of books on his back.
Sage Durvasa stood up furiously and started reprimanding Narada and decided to curse him.
Narada retorted, ‘See! In spite of you reading the scriptures, you have not been able to get over your passions. When you entered this place, you ignored the wise sages present here. What good is scholarship without respect, patience and forgiveness? These books are nothing but the burden of a donkey.’
Soon Durvasa realized his folly and understood Narada’s intention. He immersed his scriptures in the sea and went to seek atonement and self-realization.
Sage Narada Thoughts on How to Attain Peace from Srimad Bhagavad Purana
Knowledge of self-realization, even though free from all material affinity, does not help a person if devoid of devotion.
Persons who are intelligent and philosophically inclined should endeavor only for that goal which is not obtainable in this world of relativity. As far as happiness is concerned, it comes automatically in course of time, just as we beget miseries even though we do not desire them.
The best remedial measure for removing all troubles and miseries is to dedicate one’s activities to the service of the Supreme Lord. As a thing is used medically to cure a disease that was caused by that very same thing, similarly when a man’s activities are dedicated to the service of the Lord, those very activities which caused his bondage become the destroyer of the bondage.
Sage Narada – Wise Words on Bhakti
The path of devotion is the easiest path to attain God.
Bhakti is intense love for God.
In its intrinsic nature this divine love is immortal bliss.
By attaining It, a man becomes perfect, immortal and satisfied forever.
On attaining That a man does not desire anything else; he grieves no more, is free from hatred or jealousy; he does not take pleasure in the vanities of life; and he loses all eagerness to gain anything for himself.
Sage Narada Advice to Yudhishthira in the Mahabharat
Grieve not for anyone. This world is entirely in the hands of the Lord. He is the one Who brings people together; makes them live together for a while and then part forever.
Consider the bullock. The master pierces its nostrils and threads a rope through it. He then loads the back of the animal with the burden it has to carry. The bullock has to move in the direction in which the master pulls the rope and it has to carry the burden the master chooses to place on its back. It has no choice in the matter. Even so, man is tied by the ropes whose names are Rules of Conduct: Dharma.
Propelled by Dharma man carries to the Home of the Lord the burdens imposed on him. No man is free to do as he pleases.
When a child plays with toys he brings a few of them together, plays with them for a while and separates them as suits his whim. Even so, human beings are brought together in this world and they are parted by the wish of the Lord.
Consider the essential truth about the life of every human being. The human body is impermanent as you know. And the atman is imperishable. Considered, either way, there is no cause to mourn the disappearance of the elders.
This body which is the conglomeration of the five elements is governed only by Time. Nothing else is able either to protect it or to destroy it.
Sage Narada Advice to Yudhishtira who was sad after Dhritarashtra left for the forest.