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Division Of Rashi In Hindu Astrology – Varga

Division of rashi in Hindu astrology is known as varga and it is used in prediction of many areas of life. The zodiac or rashi is divided into 360 degrees of the celestial sphere. It consists of twelve signs (Mesha to Meena or Aries to Pisces). Each rashi is divided for convenience. These divisions are called vargas. Depending upon where exactly a planet is positioned in a varga, its power and ability to do good or bad could be inferred or estimated.

For example, navamsha means one-ninth of a rashi (30 degrees/9) that is three degrees and 20 minutes. 

Division Of Rashi In Hindu Astrology – Varga

Different astrologers have different combinations of vargas. The popular ones are

  1. Sadvarga – 1,2,3,6,8,13
  2. Saptavarga – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 13
  3. Dasavarga – 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 13, 16
  4. Shodashvarga – 1 to 16 (all)

Each varga serves a purpose. For example an analysis of sapta varga leads to the determination o sthana bala (positional strength).

The zodiac is divided into 24 horas of 15 degrees each. On Oja Rashi or odd signs, the first is governed by Sun and second by Moon. In Yugma rashi or even signs, it is the other way. Mesha, Mithuna, etc., are odd signs. Wealth may be judged from hora chart.

Again, the zodiac is divided into thirty six drekkans each consisting of 10 degrees. Lord of first drekkan in a rashi is lord or rashi itself; for the second, it is lord of fifth rashi; for the third, it is the lord of ninth house from it. Example for mesha rashi, the lord of first drekkana is Mars (Kuja), second, Sun and for the third, Jupiter (Guru).

Drekkana should be taken into account for prediction regarding brothers and sisters and to assess the energy, capacity, courage and powers of the individual.

Analysis of occupation of planets in a navamsa chart is used in predictions regarding one’s spouse and relationships, as also marital bliss. The greater the number of times a planet occupies its own varga, the more auspicious it becomes.

There are also other types of varga like panchamsa (one-fifth), shashtiamsha (one-sixth) and ekadasamsha (one-eleventh).

Chaturthamsa refers to fortunes, while saptamsa deals with children and grandchildren. Dasamsa is connected to power and position, while dvadashamsa speaks about parents, past karma, and hereditary traits. For a prediction about vehicles and conveyance, shodashamsha is useful, while vimsamsa reflects on worship, devotion and spiritual progress.

These divisional charts are helpful in fine tuning predictions (for example in the case of twins, who may be born only a few minutes apart.) Also, they are useful in the assessment of strength of planets. For example, if a planet is in debilitation in the sign chart but is exalted in navamsa, that planet is accorded the status of exaltation or is supposed to have undergone a remedial correction or compensation.