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Sanat Kumara Teachings – Rishi Sanat Kumara Quotes

The Kumaras are four sages (rishis) who roam the universe in the form of children in Hinduism. The four Kumaras are Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana, and Sanat Kumara. Here are few teachings of Rishi Sanat Kumara who is famous for the text Sanat Kumara Samhita.

Saint Sanat Kumara Teachings from Chandogya Upanishad

Atman alone is below. Atman is above. Atman is behind. Atman is in front. Atman is to the south. Atman is to the north. Atman alone is all this. Verily, he it is who sees thus, and understands thus, has pleasure in Atman, delight in Atman, union in Atman, joy in Atman. He becomes Self-sovereign; he becomes free to act as he wishes in all the worlds. But those who know otherwise than this are ruled by others and live in perishable worlds; they are not free to act as they wish in all the worlds.

Rishi Sanat Kumara Quotes on Speech and Mind

Your speech is a reflection of your thoughts. Your inner life is created by the way you think. If you want to know your inner life, first examine your speech. The more you study your speech, the more the contents of your mind are revealed. Study the connection between speech and mind, and you will find that speech is the means through which the mind expresses itself.

Source: The Tradition of the Himalayan Masters Pandit Rajmani, Ph.D. Tigunait

Thoughts on Unconscious Mind – Saint Sanat Kumara

Your samkalpa is affected by the subtle impressions of the past and by thought, speech, and actions that you have stored in the chitta, the mind field. Because you have forgotten the subtle impressions of the past, as well as the place where you stored them, they become unconscious; thus, the storehouse is called the unconscious mind.

The material in the unconscious mind affects your sankalpa outside of your conscious awareness. In turn, your sankalpa loses control over the conscious part of the mind.

For example, sometimes you think thoughts you don't want to think, speak words you don't wish to speak, and perform actions that you do not want to perform. Or you postpone certain thoughts or actions. All this is due to the unconscious.

Source: The Tradition of the Himalayan Masters by Pandit Rajmani, Ph.D. Tigunait 

Sage Sanat Kumara on observing silence which gives mental peace

By observing silence, you can attain some degree of control over your speech, but this will not bring you peace and happiness. Once the disturbance at the level of speech is quieted, you will notice unexpected turbulence in the mind.

In order to attain peace, you must work systematically. First, bring peace to your tongue. This means speaking sweetly and making sure that you do not harm either yourself or others through your speech. 

Avoid meaningless talk. This observance will lead you to mental peace.

By observing this discipline of speech, you maintain awareness of Brahman – the highest truth.

Source: The Tradition of the Himalayan Masters Pandit Rajmani, Ph.D. Tigunait

Maharishi Sanat Kumara sayings on Mind

Mind is subtler than speech: contemplate on what you think, why you think, and how your thoughts affect your speech and actions. If you cannot quiet the mental noise, then fill your mind with Brahman consciousness.

While trying to understand your mind and attempting to fill it with Brahman consciousness, you will notice an even subtler force called samkalpa, the power of determination.

The mind cannot think unless you decide what it will think. At your behest, your mind thinks, and only when your mind thinks do the words come forward. The power of determination, which is a subtle desire springing from the core of your being, is the driving force behind the activities of your mind.