The book titled ‘Radha: The Secret Goddess – Demystified’, written
by Dr. Kannan Srinivasan, (published in April 2018) is the journey into the
world of Radha – the divine consort of Sri Krishna. To know more about the
book, I did an interview with Author Dr. Kannan Srinivasan. You can learn more
about the book through the interview.
1. Majority of Hindus today believe that Radha is a
manifestation of Goddess Lakshmi. She is worshipped as a Goddess especially in
Vrndavan and Mathura. Hindus are not bothered about what scholars think about
her. She represents divine love and she is the consort of Sri Krishna. It is
always Radha- Krishna for them. So is she really a secret Goddess to devout
Dr. Kannan Srinivasan : Radha is verily a secret Goddess in the sense that her
manifold dimensions and exalted glories are not fully understood by a vast
majority of people despite worshipping her for many centuries. Moreover, still
a doubt lingers in their mind as to whether she is really a divine historic
personality or a metaphor or is artificially created. This Book seeks to dispel
all such doubts and misgivings about Radha whether in the minds of the ordinary
or scholastic people, based on references from authentic scriptures. The
reasons for her pangs of separation from Krishna, as well as her exalted state
of unconditional love towards Krishna are not known to many. Radha represents
many forms like Sri, Sita, Gopi, Rama, Gandharvi and so on. There are many
secrets (rahasya) surrounding Radha which are revealed in this Book. Hence it
is titled so.
2. There is no proper reference of Radha in the Mahabharata.
The only mention we get is that of Radha being a friend of Yashoda. Have you
come across any other authentic source from the Mahabharata period?
There are references in Mahabharata about Goloka which have
been covered in the Book. Radha finds a place in authentic Puranas like Padma
Purana, Brahmavaivarta Purana, Brahmanda Purana, Skanda Purana, Sri Devi Bhagavatam,
Matsya Purana, Adi Purana, Linga Purana, Narada Purana, Varaha Purana and so
on. Radha is referred to in Scriptures like Garga Samhita, Sanatkumara Samhita,
Brahma Samhita, Varaha Samhita and so on.
3. Will it be true to say that Radha acquired her present
status after Jaidev Gaud (Jayadeva) a poet of the royal court of King
Laksmansen of Bengal (1179-1203 AD), made her his heroine in his Gita Govinda
(Song of Govinda)?
This is exactly what the Book succeeds in disproving. Radha
finds a place from first century onwards in Sanskrit classical literature
besides a host of Vedic scriptures much before the period of Jayadeva. This
Books presents a lot of such ancient references.
4. What role did Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and his Gaudiya
Vaishnavism play in spreading the concept of Radha Krishna?
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is considered as the Avatara of Sri
Krishna to redeem humanity in Kali Yuga. He propagated the glories of the Hare
Krsna Mahamantra and made it available with ceaseless mercy for all irrespective
of caste, creed or color. His intense Prema bhava in the mood of Radha is
amazing. Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and Gaudiya Vaishnavism play a very crucial
role in spreading the concept of Radhakrishna through Bhakti Marga by means of nama
5. Divine love between Sri Krishna and Radha – how far has
it influenced the concept of love among general Hindus.
The exalted love of Radha towards Krishna is unconditional,
total and divine. This Prema Bhakti has even attracted many great ascetics who
have sung the glories of Radhakrishna Lilas. It has demonstrated that only by
pure love one can reach the Supreme. We need to understand that this world can
be a place worthy of living only when there is selfless love in the society.
6. The love of Radha and Krishna is an inspiration for
writers, musicians, artists, painters, performing arts. How far has it helped
in spreading the teachings of Hinduism? On the other hand, do you think they
have done more damage than good?
Radhakrishna love has greatly strengthened Hinduism by its
all-inclusive approach by bringing together people from varied social
background without any discrimination. Even foreigners who have no idea of the
basic tenets of Hinduism are greatly attracted towards Radhakrishna. Thus this
amazing unifying concept of Prema bhava is the basis of universal love which
cuts across all barriers. It is important to understand this divine love from a
proper perspective so that there is no misuse of this ecstatic concept.
7. During the writing of the book, what new did you discover
about Radha that influenced your thoughts and led to changing of some of your
earlier believes and ideas?
The vast extent to which Radha finds a place in many Puranas
and Classical literature prior to Jayadeva was a great revealing fact as I
delved deep into this research work.
8. Can you define what you mean by Radha Tattvam?
Radha tattvam represents the hladini sakti of Krishna in
terms of the pleasure potency. Radha and Krishna are always intrinsically
united in terms of prakrti and purusha, milk and whiteness, fire and heat,
water and coolness, earth and fragrance. Radha has emanated from Krishna and
both are construed as one and the same exalted divine principle.
9. What are the striking differences you find in Radha in
secular literature and in scriptures like Puranas?
Puranas highlight the supremacy of Radha as an exalted deity
while in secular literature we find prominently the romance and physical
intimacy of Radha and Krishna. It is important to view the supreme love of
Radha and Krishna with a vision engrossed in flawless madhurya bhava.
10. How is Radha treated in Tantrism? What is her status and
is there any major difference in the generally perceived image of Radha?
Radha Tantra is a key treatise which accords a very high
pedestal for Radha and her divinity. There is no major difference from the
general perception in the sense that the divinity and greatness of Radha is
clearly established in this work. Radha is also referred to in other Tantra
literature like Brhad Gautamiya Tantra, Urdhvamnaya Tantra, Mrtyunjaya Tantra,
Krshna Yamala Tantra, Rudrayamala Tantra and so on. Narada Pancaratra
establishes beyond doubt that Radha manifests from Krishna and verily there is
no difference between the two.
11. What are the important sources that you have used to
learn about Radha?
My sources include the four Vedas, Upanishads, Puranas,
Tantras, Classical Sanskrit literature, Works of Goswamis, Classical Tamil literature
and Nalayira Divya Prabandham.
12. Is Radha the way to understanding Krishna – the Supreme
Though there are 16108 consorts of Krishna, he feels more
blissful only if he is lovingly called as Radhakrishna or Radhapathi. Radha is
the holistic personification of the unceasing and causeless mercy of Krishna
which offers redemption for all. By first obtaining the grace of Radha, one can
definitely get the sacred association of Krishna easily and definitely.
13. There are several beliefs regarding Radha among general
public; like she was elder to Krishna; she was married; she did not have
children. What is one important wrong belief that you would want to change with
your book?
The Book is definitely bound to change the misconception
that Radha is only an ordinary cowherdess and her glories have been blown out
of proportion without the strong backing of the Vedic scriptures.
14. Radha is an elusive character for a serious student of
Hinduism. How will your book help a student of Hinduism in understanding Radha?
What has the book for a common Hindu devotee?
The Book highlights the key role of Radha in the proper
perspective by removing all misconceptions about her in the realms of Bhakti
marga. For an ordinary devotee it strengthens and consolidates the faith in the
Supreme by following the path of Bhakti. For a student of Hinduism, this book
highlights the common thread of worship of Sri Radha prescribed across various
Puranas, and diverse sects of Hinduism, several of which have been
underappreciated. For example, in the Sri Vaishnava tradition, the Azhvars
glorify and worship Nappinnai, as the most beloved consort of Sri Krishna and
it is established in this book that Nappinnai very closely resembles Sri Radha.
Accordingly, Pinnaimanalan refers to only Radhavallabha.
15. You will be facing two set of readers – 1) Devotees –
for them Bhakti is the most important thing. They want to see Radha as Goddess.
2) People with doubts regarding the origin, life and nature of Radha – among
them some even believe Radha was a later creation not part of the original
stories of Krishna. Does your book satisfy both kinds of readers?
This Book satisfies both types of people. In fact, it
convincingly clarifies through multifarious references from authentic
scriptures, the doubts in the minds of those about the authenticity, antiquity
and role of Radha in the pursuit of madhurya bhava.
16. Some of your earlier works were more philosophical and
on management like the Vedic Management. So how was it to dive into the world
of Bhakti in which logic and management techniques have no value?
While management techniques have immense value in day-to-day
life, in the realm of Bhakti sustained devotion and unconditional surrender to
the Supreme matter the most. However, Bhakti verily has a deep philosophical
foundation as expounded in the commentaries of our Acharyas, which also caters
to the intellectual and logical fulfillment of the aspirant. It has been a very
delightful experience and only due to the ceaseless grace of the Supreme
Radhakrishna, the Book could see the light of the day.
Radha: The Secret Goddess – Demystified is available online on Amazon
India and on Amazon US.