Kali Puja is performed for attaining liberation and protection. Below is a simple Kali puja procedure (Vidhi) along with mantra. You can perform the puja of Goddess Kali on any day but with good intention. Please note that this is a simple how to do guide and is meant for devotees to do it on their own at home.
Maha Kali Puja Mantra
क्रीं कपालिन्यै नमः॥Kreem Kapalinaye Namah
When to Perform Goddess Kali Puja?
- Amavasya – when there is no moon present during midnight.
- Krishna Paksha Navami – the ninth day during waning phase of the moon
- Krishna Paksha Ashtami – the eighth day during the waning phase of the moon
- Uttara Phalguni Nakshatra falling during the waning phase of the moon.
- It is doubly auspicious when there is Krishna Paksha Navami tithi and Uttara Phaguni Nakshatra.
How to Perform Goddess Kali Puja at Home
Benefits of Kali Puja
- Liberation or Moksha
- Defeat of Enemies
- Early cure of diseases
- To avenge injustice
- For Moksha or liberation for real Sadakas
Simple Kali Puja Vidhi
- The puja should be performed at midnight (11:50 PM to 12:50 AM) facing north
- The person should wear red, orange or ochre color dress. Black is ideal for tantrics practitioners.
- The murti (picture, photo or painting) of Goddess Kali stamping on Shiva should be used for worship. It should be placed on a red color cloth
- The lamp should be lit using mustard oil.
- Red shoe flower should be offered.
- Dhoop should be of chandan.
- White and black til (sesame) should be mixed and offered.
- Offer black pepper corns.
- Red Chandan should be offered.
- Unbroken coconut should be next offered.
- Mishri (kalkanda or rock sugar) should be offered.
- Food or bhog made using Til (sesame) should be offered. This bhog or Prasad should be later shared with a virgin woman.
- The mantra क्रीं कपालिन्यै नमः॥ should be chanted 108 times.
- A white pumpkin (safed bhopla) should be smeared with sindhoor and then cut into two and offered to the Goddess.
- All items offered to the Goddess should be thrown away in forest area not frequented by human beings.
Special Offerings
- To find relief to an illness see your face in mustard oil and then light lamp before Kali using it.
- To keep temptation and mind in control, offer milk mixed with black sesame to Kali.
- To see the defeat of enemies take six black pepper corns put into on a burning camphor (Karpur) before Goddess Kali.