Depression is the result of never ending desires,
competitiveness, loneliness and indifference. When we are not responsive,
responsible, caring and compassionate, we are opening the doors of depression. Only
you can fight and defeat depression. For this, you need to have a proper
understanding of life.
A major reason for depression is high level of expectations.
We perform our duty with expectations. We want people to recognize and
appreciate us. We want them to be indebted to us. We want people to be loyal
and thankful. We also want the best result in all matters. We do not want to
lose. We want the highest remuneration. When this does not happen, we are
disappointed, angry and disillusioned. Soon depression sets in.
We live in a materialistic society where everything depends
on wealth. Relationships are based on financial status. We work hard to be part
of such a society without realizing that people have no value in it. Value is
only for wealth. We get depressed when we are not able to live up the
expectations of such a society.
Depression sets in after struggling with unhappiness over a
period of time.
To overcome depression, try to see through the fake society
and fake relationships around us. Do not make relationships for selfish needs.
Fill your mind with positive emotions. Remain positive. Do not do anything to
satisfy the society and people around you. Do those things that give you
happiness and mental satisfaction.
There is too much ‘must’ in our life. I must buy that mobile
phone. I must own a flat. I must own that particular car. I must get married in
this year. I must marry that particular individual only. I must get promotion.
I must become CEO. I must be popular…the list of ‘must’ never ends.
Instead of ‘must’ we should do what we enjoy most to our
best ability. Then accept who I am and what I have. Find happiness in that.
Unnecessary worry of future and perfectionism makes present
and future unhappy. We need to be flexible, adaptive and encouraging. Things
will not always be the way we want them to be.
Awareness is essential to not to fall into various traps in
our daily life. Awareness also helps us to come up with different possibilities
and solutions in life.
Do not get stuck on any thought or incident. Life should be
like a perennial river. Keep flowing. If you become stagnant, you will rot and
Have this attitude – nothing is permanent in life and this
too shall pass.