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Coconut Covered in Red Cloth Offering to Narasimha Avatar of Vishnu

Coconut covered in red cloth is offered to Narasimha Avatar of Vishnu in some regions in India. Narasimha is the fourth avatar of Vishnu. Special puja and worship is offered to this incarnation on Phalgun Shukla Paksha Dwadashi (12th day during the waxing phase of phalgun month (February – March) and on Narasimha Jayanti (also known as Narasimha Chaturdashi in Vaishakh month).

Coconut covered in red cloth is offered to find relief to all kinds of problems in life.

A good coconut is taken and it is covered with red color cloth. Some small amount of sindhoor and chandan is smeared on it.

It is then offered in a Narasimha Temple.

The same offering is made to overcome fear of darkness and ghosts.

Those people who have sleep issue due to dreadful dreams also make the offering.