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In Discovering The Inner Freedom Lies Our True Manliness

Self-discipline is the way to overcome the compelling force of the senses and their impressions.

This man is strong in body, but weak in mind. He can lift a stone weighing 1000 kgs, but cannot bear the weight of a single unpleasant word.

Sculpture At Ramappa Temple - Warangal - Telangana

Blaming others or fate or God for our actions and circumstances in life is a sign of weakness and slavery.

Restraining our senses, disciplining our thoughts, sublimating our emotions and expanding our ego to embrace the whole world are essential steps in the path to freedom.

To be free from all forms of misery, we should take full responsibility for our lives.

When we accept the fact that we are the makers of our own destiny, we shall rise to our highest and best and our character will be transformed.

Self-faith and self-dependence will awaken our inner divinity, our true nature.

In discovering the inner freedom lies our true manliness.

Explanation - 

Blaming others, fate, or God for our actions and circumstances in life is often viewed as a sign of weakness and slavery according to Hindu teachings. This perspective is deeply rooted in several key concepts and philosophies within Hinduism.

Individual Responsibility and Karma

At the core of Hindu philosophy is the concept of karma. Karma refers to the law of cause and effect, where each individual is responsible for their actions (karmas) and the subsequent results (phalas). According to this belief, our current circumstances are the direct outcome of our past actions, and our future will be shaped by our present deeds. By acknowledging this, we embrace responsibility for our lives rather than attributing our successes or failures to external forces.

Inner Strength and Self-Reliance

Hindu teachings emphasize the importance of inner strength and self-reliance. Scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita advocate for self-discipline, personal responsibility, and resilience. Lord Krishna advises Arjuna to perform his duties without attachment to the results, highlighting that one’s duty is to act righteously without being swayed by success or failure. This underscores the importance of focusing on one’s own efforts and responsibilities.

The Role of Free Will

Hinduism also places significant importance on free will. While destiny and divine will are acknowledged, individuals are believed to possess the freedom to choose their actions. This autonomy is crucial for personal growth and spiritual development. Blaming external factors undermines this free will and diminishes the individual's role in shaping their destiny.

The Illusion of Maya

Another important concept is maya, the illusion that clouds our understanding of reality. Maya can lead us to believe that we are powerless and at the mercy of external circumstances. Overcoming this illusion requires a deep understanding and acceptance of our true nature and the realization that we are not merely victims of fate but active participants in the cosmic order.

Overcoming Weakness and Slavery

Blaming others or external forces for our misfortunes is seen as a form of mental and spiritual weakness. It signifies a lack of understanding of the deeper truths of existence and an inability to take control of one's life. This mindset is equated to slavery because it binds the individual to a state of helplessness and dependency. True liberation, or moksha, involves breaking free from these mental shackles and recognizing one's own power and responsibility.

Practical Implications

In practical terms, adopting a mindset of personal responsibility can lead to a more empowered and proactive approach to life. It encourages individuals to:

  1. Reflect on Their Actions: Regular self-assessment helps in understanding the impact of one's actions and making necessary adjustments.
  2. Cultivate Resilience: By focusing on personal growth and learning from experiences, individuals can develop greater resilience and adaptability.
  3. Enhance Self-Efficacy: Believing in one's ability to influence outcomes fosters confidence and motivation.

In summary, Hindu teachings advocate for taking personal responsibility for our actions and circumstances, viewing reliance on blaming others, fate, or God as a sign of weakness and mental slavery. By embracing the principles of karma, free will, and self-reliance, individuals can transcend the limitations imposed by such a mindset and move towards a state of empowerment and spiritual freedom.