Namaskar Mudra, also known as Atmanjali Mudra, is one of the
important mudras. Practicing mudras have numerous benefits especially health related.
They are good for both body and mind.
Namaskar Mudra is performed by joining the two palms and
bringing them close to the chest.
This mudra is also a popular symbol associated with
Hinduism. It symbolically expresses reverence and gratitude. Hindus pray and
greet using this mudra.
It also symbolically represents the merging of the
individual soul with the universal soul. When we do Namaskar to another individual,
we symbolically state that we both are one. Again, it means am one with
The most important health benefit of the Namaskar Mudra is
that it activates and harmonizes the left and right brain hemispheres. It
assures in peace and stability.