Teachings on miracles in Hindu religion by Master Yogi Bhola Nathji.
A miracle is an incident or action of which we do not know
the cause nor the end. Ordinary intelligence fails to understand it. Science is
left wondering. Our ordinary education and experiences have prescribed the
limitations of our knowledge in this short life. If any 'miracle' happens through
the instrumentality of any individual, we say, this is contrary to the Laws of
Miracles which we believe to be contrary to the Laws of
Nature, belong to a field of activity which is unknown to us-so far. Why are we
startled even at the mention of the word 'miracle' when the whole universe
which we see before us, is in itself a great miracle? Why, then, if anything
unknown before happens, should we start wondering? Why should we say it is
Miracles belong to a stage in the path of progress towards
spiritual life, which is more dangerous. They are apt to divert genuine seekers
after Truth from the right path.
Until we direct our attention towards the life of the spirit,
material objects (prosperity, wealth, fame, power, etc.) keep us overpowered.
We run after one or more of these and try to chase them. These objects recede
farther and farther as we pursue them. Sometimes we get what we want: more
often we do not. But in the end we find that this struggle fails to give us
real satisfaction.
When we are tired' of this chase, we turn our serious
attention towards that 'Reality' which is the goal of all religions. After making
a little progress we find that these very material objects appear before us as
if by miracle. It appears to the seeker as if goods of the world are at his
beck and call. The material objects try to show that 'we are all at your
service'. But this is also a big snare. It is
a pit from which it is difficult to come out, once you fall into it.
Lovers of God pass through this stage with great caution.
Because if we go through this stage on our journey towards the goal (i.e.,
Reality, Truth, God, Absolute Existence all it by whatever name you like) then
these objects of the material world will fail to overpower the seeker.
While in this stage we feel as if by our worship or devotion
we have overpowered Nature. Matter (Maya) is then jubilant again and says
'Look- I've got him again.'
On the other hand, genuine lovers of God take advantage of
this situation or stage by saying to themselves, 'I have only just turned my
attention to life of the spirit and look, as a consequence of this, I have
acquired these powers. What infinite bliss should I expect when I attain and
meet the Lord.
Source – Lives and Teachings of the Yogis of India –
Miracles and Occult Mysticism of India Volume 2 by Rishi Sing Gherwal page 23 -
24. Published in 1937.