Jamun Tree and fruit (English name includes Java plum,
Indian allspice, rose apple) is deeply associated with Hindu religion. It is
one of the favorite fruits of Ganesha.
Jamun in Hinduism
- Jambudvipa is the name of one of the seven islands on earth mentioned in Hindu scriptures. It is named after Jamun fruit.
- The fruit is offered in temples as it matches the dark complexion of Bhagavan Sri Krishna.
- Hindus knew about the medicinal properties of the tree from ancient times.
- The powdered seeds of jamun were used to cure several diseases in ancient India.
- There is popular story of Jamun fruit and Draupadi in the Mahabharata.
Jamun fruit is known in Hindu scriptures as
- Jambu – epithet of Varuna, God waters in Vedas
- Phalendra – king of fruits
- Mahaphala – great fruit
- Nilaphala – blue fruit
- Nadeyi – It is the name of a smaller version of Jamun found along the riverbanks.
- Surabhi Patra – having fragrant leaves
- Shukapriya – dear to parrots
- Rajaphala – Royal fruit
Jamun Tree
It is a large, evergreen tree belonging to the myrtle
family. It has large, smooth and glossy leaves. White flowers appear in the
month of March – April. The flowers appear in branch clusters at the tip of the
stem. Purple – black fruits are available during rainly June – July period.
The bark of the tree is used in tanning and dyeing.
Jamun in ancient literature
The tree is mentioned in the Meghaduta of Kalidasa
Bhavabhuti mentions it in the Malatimadhavam,
Uttaramacharitam and Mahaviracharita.
Alberuni mentions about the presence of Jamun in India in
his Tahkik-i-Hind.
Medicinal Properties of Jamun - fruit - seed - leaves - bark
Powdered seeds are used to cure:
- Diabetes
- Stomach disorders
- Urinary disorders
- Dysentery
- Bleeding and
- Vomiting
- The root and bark is used to cure epilepsy by Gonds.
- Sopiga community of Karnataka uses the paste of the bark to head wounds and for the expulsion of placenta.
- Vinegar and a sweet beverage of the fruit is used to cure disorders of the liver.
- Its astringent property helps in curing obesity and absorption of fat.
- A mixture of the fruit and rock salt purifies the channels in the body.
Draupadi, the wife of Pandavas, once saw an unusually big Jambul fruit on a tree. A Saint had already reserved that fruit so that he could break his fast of 12 years with it. Unknowingly, Draupadi plucked the fruit. Sri Krishna who happened to see this told Draupadi about the Saint and that he might curse Draupadi and Pandavas.
As per Bhagavad Purana, Jambudvipa is divided into nine regions. Of these only Bharata Varsha is inhabited by human beings. The rest of the eight regions are occupied by celestial beings or by saints and pious persons.