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Jaimini – Author of Mimamsa Sutra – Received Sama Veda from Sage Vyasa

Jaimini, the author of Mimamsa Sutra (Purva Mimansa philosophy), was born in present day Deoband and was the student of Badarayana Vyasa – author of Brahmasutras – an important Holy Scripture in Hinduism. When Vyasa divided the Vedas, the portion of Sama Veda was taught to Jaimini. He is believed to have lived during 2nd Century B C.

Jaimini in Vishnu Purana

As per Vishnu Purana, he was the disciple of Vyasa Parasaraya and Guru of Pashupindya.
The Purana also mentions that he was the man who received the revelation of Sama Veda.

Jaimini in Srimad Bhagavad Purana

He is mentioned as one of the four disciples of Vyasa. Thus when Vyasa divided the Vedas into four parts, aimini received the Sama Veda.

As per Ashvalayana Shrauta Sutra, Jamini belonged to the lineage of Sage Bhrigu.

Jaimini in Mahabharata

He was invited to the Rajasuya Sacrifice by Yudhishtira, the eldest of the Pandavas. He was considered an authority on Yoga and Vedas. As per the epic, Hiranyabha was his famous disciple.

Purvamimamsa Sutra (Purva Mimansa)

The most important work of Jaimini is the Purvamimamsa Sutra which is also known as Jaimini Sutra. It aims to give correct interpretation of the rituals and other texts in the Vedas.

‘Man’ in Mimansa means ‘to consider, examine or to investigate’ and thus Purva Mimansa stands for examining the source.

There are twelve chapters in the text dealing with various Hindu philosophical ideas like Dharma, Karma, Seshtava, Prayojya, Karma, Adhikara etc.

A large part of the book is dedicated to rituals.

There is a belief that the original text had four more chapters known as Sankarshakanda.  Reference to it is found in the Sri Bhashya of Ramanjuacharya.

Important Teachings of Jaimini

  • Vedas are eternal, authorless and infallible to authority.
  • Dharma is the command or injunction which human beings must follow.
  • Perception, inference and verbal testimony are given importance by him.
  • He accepted the existence of Brahman (Supreme Truth as mentioned in the Upanishads).
  • He accepted the Upasana or worship of Brahman.
  • The individual self is Brahman.
  • An important teaching of his is that during deep sleep, the individual self returns to and enters into Brahman.
  • He believed that both the paths of rituals and knowledge lead to the ultimate truth.

Works of Jaimini

  • Mimamsa Sutra (also known as Purvamimasa Sutra). The teachings in it is also referred as Jaimini Nyaya, Jaimini Mala and Jaimini Darshana.
  • Devata Kanda – divinity of rituals are discussed in this text
  • Sharirika Kanda – divinity of rituals

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