One of the popular names of Shani is Mandgati – the slow-moving planet or navgraha. The reason for Shani moving slowly is associated
with Sage Piplad. Shani moves very slowly in the horoscope (nearly 29 years to
complete one revolution around the sun) when compared to other planets.
Sage Piplad had lost his father in his childhood. When he
grew up, he discovered that the reason for the death of his father was Shani.
His father was going through the bad phase of life caused by Shani.
Sage Piplad was a great ascetic who had the power to summon
the Brahmadanda – stick of Lord Brahma. He released the Brahmadanda on Shani.
Fearing for his life, Shani began to run. He ran in the
three worlds with the Brahmadanda in his hot pursuit.
Running for such long time got his feet injured and he was
handicapped and not able to move fast.
Shani then prayed to Shiva to find a solution to the
Shiva appeared before Sage Piplad and told him that Shani
does not do anything purposefully. He has no friend or enemy. He only makes
living beings undergo the effects of their bad karma.
Sage Piplad realized his mistake and withdrew the Brhamadanda.
But after this incident, Shani started moving slowly and
came to be known as Mandgati.