Rama Lakshmana Dwadasi, also known as Ramalakshmana Dwadashi Vrat, is a ritual observed mainly in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Karnataka and by certain Hindu communities in Tamil Nadu and other religions. The fasting is observed mainly by couples for having healthy children. Rama Lakshmana Dwadasi 2025 date is June 8. The importance of the fasting was narrated by Sage Vasishta to King Dasharatha.
Legend has it that King Dasharatha who was childless performed the vrata and he had Bhagavan Srihari Vishnu himself taking birth as his son.
Legend has it that King Dasharatha who was childless performed the vrata and he had Bhagavan Srihari Vishnu himself taking birth as his son.
A fast is observed from sunrise to next day morning sunrise.
Prayers are offered to Lord Vishnu, Sri Ram and Lakshman.
Prayers and puja dedicated to Sri Ram are performed in the morning and evening.
Reading the Bala Kanda of Ramayana is considered meritorious.
Shodashopachara is done in the evening. Devotees also visit temples dedicated to Sri Ram or Lord Vishnu.
Fruits, milk, sabudana khichadi and water are allowed during the fast.
Fruits, milk, sabudana khichadi and water are allowed during the fast.
The vrat is mainly performed by married couples for having healthy children. Those couples having trouble in conceiving perform the fasting to get blessed with children.
The day is observed as Champaka Dwadasi is Odisha and it is an important day in the Puri Jagannath temple.
The ritual is performed on Jyeshta Shukla Paksha Dwadasi – the 12th day during the waxing phase of moon in Jyeshta month.