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Brahman In Hinduism – What Is The Meaning Of The Word Brahman?

Brahman is the word used to refer to God in the Upanishads. Have you ever wondered what the meaning of the word Brahman in Hinduism is?

In Sanskrit, ‘Brah’ means to expand and ‘Mann’ is mind. Brahman means ‘to expand your mind.’


What is Brahman? One with true knowledge will remain silent to the question. Brahman cannot be defined in words; neither can it be capture in a painting. It cannot be defined.

But Brahman can be experienced.

To experience Brahman we need to expand our mind. We need to drop all narrow thoughts. We need to prepare our mind to capture and understand that, which has no beginning and end. The mind has to be fertile enough to know that, which is beyond birth and death.

In the broader context of Hindu philosophy, Brahman is the ultimate reality, the supreme cosmic power, and the source of all creation. It is an infinite, eternal, and unchanging entity that transcends the physical universe. Brahman is not confined by time, space, or form, and it pervades everything that exists.

The concept encourages individuals to expand their consciousness, transcending the limitations of the physical mind to understand the universal truth. By contemplating Brahman, one aims to achieve a state of enlightenment, realizing the interconnectedness of all life and the unity of the individual soul (Atman) with the universal soul (Brahman).

This idea of expansion is central to various spiritual practices in Hinduism, such as meditation, yoga, and philosophical inquiry, all aimed at broadening one's awareness and achieving a deeper understanding of the self and the universe.