Oh! Sri Rama! You emerged from the boon inherent in ‘Paramanna
Prasadam’ during the sacrifice called ‘Putra Kameshti’ done by the royal couple
Dasaratha and Kausalya as ‘Paradevata Murti.’
You are the sole monarch in your Suryavamsam who ruled the
entire universe as Parabrahma Murty.
You are the incarnation of Lord Vishnu and the magnificent
embodiment punishing the wicked and protecting the innocent and the good.
You are the concrete form of Rama Mantra for meditation that
always resides in the hearts of ‘Yogiswaras.’
You are the ‘Omkara Pranava Murti’ inherent in the Vedas,
the Vedangas and the philosophical science.
You are residing on Sri Venktadri.
You are the first and the foremost entity in the entire
Oh! Lord Sri Rama! Bless Us All with Peace and Prosperity
Sankeerthana – 169
Saint Poet Annamacharya
Saint Poet Annamacharya