Avvaiyar needs no introduction, as she is one of the
greatest women saints in ancient Tamil world. Aivel was poor chieftain who became
immortal through his hospitality. The story of Avvaiyar and Aivel is the story
of kindness and affection.
On a dark, stormy and rainy night, Avvaiyar was walking
through the forest. She knocked at a house in the forest seeking shelter from
the stormy weather.
The house belonged to Aivel, the chieftain of a local tribe.
Aivel was not rich; he and his people did farming in a small area.
But Aivel was thrilled to see Avvaiyar. He welcomed her to
his poor cottage and offered her a blanket. He immediately went around and got
a bowl of goat’s milk and few cooked wild tubers.
Avvaiyar was deeply moved by the kindness and hospitality of
the humble man. She later immortalized him through her poetry. The poem that
she dedicated to the chieftain is called – ‘The compassion of Aivel.’