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All relationships have its share of troubles - Hindu Blog Quotes and Quips

All relationships have its share of troubles.

We can repair a vehicle a couple of times. But if it is constantly giving us headaches and is failing us, then it is time to abandon it and look for other modes of trustworthy transport. Some relationships can never be mended, it is better to ignore or drop them and move ahead.

A true partner is a rock solid support system.

There might be someone better waiting for us. We need not hang on to an abusive relationship just for being in a relationship.

To stand by one another during rough weather is the mark of a true relationship.

When we enter into a relationship, we have this strong belief that the other person will make us happy. But other people don’t create your happiness, you must create your own happiness. 

Irrespective of the kind of partner you have you need to identify, what it is you want to achieve with your life and then creating an action plan to achieve your goals.

Some people think that by having a partner in their life their life will automatically be happy this is not completely true. One in a million will get a true partner.


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