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The Six-Fold Factors of Surrender in Vaishnava Sampradaya

As per Vaishanava Sampradaya there are six-fold factors of surrender to the supreme truth. This surrender is known as Saranagati. It also makes taking refuge in the Lord.

The six fold factors of Sarnagati are:
Entertaining favorable thoughts
Renouncing unfavorable thoughts
Having firm faith that God will protect
Actually seeking refuge in the Lord
Submitting oneself completely at the mercy to the Lord
Expressing one’s total helplessness.

In the Vaishnava Sampradaya, the concept of Śaraṇāgati (शरणागति), or surrender to the Supreme Lord, is a fundamental spiritual practice that embodies a devotee's complete reliance and devotion to God. This surrender is often encapsulated by six key principles, known as the Six-Fold Factors of Śaraṇāgati. These principles guide the devotee's actions, thoughts, and spiritual attitude, aiming to foster a deep, personal relationship with the Lord. Here's a detailed exploration of each of these six factors:

1. Ānukūlya-saṅkalpa: Entertaining Favorable Thoughts (आनुकूल्य संकल्प)

Definition: This involves the resolve to embrace and adopt thoughts, actions, and attitudes that are favorable to devotional service and pleasing to the Lord.


  • Positive Alignment: A devotee consciously aligns their will and actions with what is pleasing to God. This includes engaging in activities that promote spiritual growth, such as prayer, chanting, and acts of kindness.
  • Devotional Practices: Practicing regular worship, reading scriptures, and maintaining association with fellow devotees.
  • Cultivation of Virtue: Developing qualities such as compassion, humility, and patience, which are in harmony with divine principles.

2. Prātikūlya-varjana: Renouncing Unfavorable Thoughts (प्रातिकूल्य वर्जन)

Definition: This principle involves the deliberate rejection of thoughts, actions, and attitudes that are detrimental to one's spiritual progress and displeasing to the Lord.


  • Avoidance of Negativity: Steering clear of actions that lead to moral or spiritual degradation, such as dishonesty, violence, or excessive material attachment.
  • Discernment: Cultivating discernment to recognize and abandon behaviors and habits that divert one from the path of devotion.
  • Mental Discipline: Training the mind to reject negative emotions and thoughts, such as anger, jealousy, or resentment, which can cloud one's spiritual focus.

3. Rakṣiṣyatīti-viśvāsa: Having Firm Faith that God will Protect (रक्षिष्यति विश्वास)

Definition: This principle emphasizes unwavering faith in the Lord's protection and benevolence, believing that He will safeguard and support the devotee in all circumstances.


  • Confidence in Divine Providence: Trusting that the Lord is the ultimate protector and will guide and shield the devotee from harm.
  • Letting Go of Worry: Relinquishing anxiety about the future, knowing that God’s grace will provide for all needs.
  • Inner Peace: Cultivating a sense of peace and assurance derived from faith in God's constant presence and support.

4. Goptṛtve Varaṇa: Actually Seeking Refuge in the Lord (गोप्तृत्वे वरण)

Definition: This entails seeking refuge in the Lord with full confidence, acknowledging Him as the sole protector and provider.


  • Exclusive Dependence: Turning to the Lord in times of need, crisis, or uncertainty, rather than relying solely on one's own abilities or external sources.
  • Heartfelt Prayer: Engaging in sincere prayer and devotion, asking for the Lord’s guidance, protection, and assistance.
  • Seeking Sanctuary: Viewing the Lord’s presence as a safe haven and ultimate source of comfort and security.

5. Ātma-nikṣepa: Submitting Oneself Completely at the Mercy of the Lord (आत्म निक्षेप)

Definition: This principle involves a complete and humble surrender of oneself to the Lord, offering everything to Him—body, mind, and soul.


  • Total Dedication: Offering all actions, thoughts, and possessions to the Lord, acknowledging that everything belongs to Him.
  • Humility and Surrender: Recognizing one’s own limitations and the supremacy of the Lord, and submitting to His divine will.
  • Sacrifice of Ego: Letting go of pride, ego, and the sense of individual ownership or control.

6. Kārpaṇya: Expressing One’s Total Helplessness (कार्पण्य)

Definition: This entails recognizing and expressing one’s own helplessness and dependence on the Lord’s mercy and grace.


  • Acknowledgment of Human Frailty: Understanding that without divine grace, one is powerless and vulnerable.
  • Appeal for Mercy: Seeking the Lord’s compassion and help, particularly in moments of weakness or despair.
  • Humility: Embracing a humble attitude, admitting that one’s own efforts and capabilities are insufficient without divine support.

The Essence of Śaraṇāgati

Together, these six principles form the essence of Śaraṇāgati, guiding a devotee towards a life of deep faith, humility, and devotion. The practice of Śaraṇāgati is not just about ritualistic surrender but embodies a profound spiritual attitude where the devotee recognizes their inherent connection and dependence on the Supreme Lord. This surrender is a dynamic and ongoing process that continually deepens the devotee’s relationship with God, ultimately leading to spiritual liberation and eternal service to the Lord.

Practical Application

Daily Practice:

  • Regular Worship: Engage in daily prayers, recitation of holy texts, and participation in devotional activities.
  • Mindful Living: Practice mindfulness in everyday actions, constantly aligning them with the principles of Śaraṇāgati.
  • Community and Support: Seek the company of fellow devotees, participate in congregational worship, and support each other in maintaining these spiritual principles.

Inner Transformation:

  • Self-Reflection: Regularly reflect on one's thoughts and actions, assessing how they align with the six principles.
  • Growth in Faith: Cultivate a deep, unwavering faith in the Lord through consistent practice and introspection.
  • Ego Surrender: Continuously work on diminishing the ego and fostering a sense of humility and service.

By embracing and practicing these six factors, a devotee nurtures a loving and surrendered relationship with the Supreme, embodying the spirit of Śaraṇāgati in their daily life and spiritual journey.