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A Prayer to Who is One Eternal Pure and Changeless

I prostrate myself before that Sat Guru, the Brahman

Who is Bliss;
Who is giver of Supreme Happiness;
Who is the Absolute;
Who is the form of Knowledge;
Who is beyond the Pairs of Opposites;
Who is vast like Ether;
Who is attainable through assertions like “Tat Tvam Asi,”
Who is One, Eternal, Pure and Changeless;
Who is the witness of all the states of the Mind,
Who transcends Modifications;
Who is devoid of the three modes of Prakriti

  • Who is Bliss: This supreme entity embodies an unchanging state of perfect joy and peace, beyond the fleeting pleasures and pains of the material world. Brahman is Ananda, the ultimate bliss that pervades all existence.

  • Who is the giver of Supreme Happiness: Not only is Brahman itself the essence of joy, but it also bestows the highest form of happiness on those who realize its nature. This happiness is not dependent on external circumstances but arises from the deepest understanding and union with the divine.

  • Who is the Absolute: Brahman transcends all limitations and dualities. It is the fundamental reality, the unchanging essence behind the ever-changing forms of the universe. It is Nirguna, without attributes, and Saguna, with attributes, all at once.

  • Who is the form of Knowledge: Brahman is pure consciousness and awareness, the source of all true knowledge. It is not just a repository of information but the very essence of understanding and wisdom, illuminating the path to spiritual awakening.

  • Who is beyond the Pairs of Opposites: In the realm of Brahman, there is no duality, no distinction between light and dark, good and bad, pleasure and pain. It is beyond these opposites, embracing and transcending them, existing in a state of perfect equilibrium.

  • Who is vast like Ether: Brahman is limitless, expansive, and all-encompassing, akin to the boundless sky or space. It permeates everything and is present everywhere, unconfined by physical or conceptual boundaries.

  • Who is attainable through assertions like “Tat Tvam Asi,”: The sacred assertion "Tat Tvam Asi" ("That Thou Art") is a powerful statement of identity and oneness, guiding seekers to the realization that they are not separate from the divine, but one with Brahman. This profound teaching reveals the essential unity of the self and the Absolute.

  • Who is One, Eternal, Pure, and Changeless: Brahman is the singular, infinite reality that remains untouched by time, impurity, or transformation. It is the eternal, untainted truth that persists beyond the transient phenomena of the world.

  • Who is the witness of all the states of the Mind: Brahman observes all mental activities—waking, dreaming, and deep sleep—without being affected by them. It is the silent, impartial witness to all experiences and thoughts, remaining ever still and unperturbed.

  • Who transcends Modifications: Brahman is beyond all forms of change and modification. While the material world is in a constant state of flux, Brahman remains unaltered, the unmovable foundation of all that exists.

  • Who is devoid of the three modes of Prakriti: Brahman is free from the three Gunas—Sattva (purity), Rajas (activity), and Tamas (inertia)—that constitute Prakriti, the nature or substance of the universe. It is beyond these qualities, standing alone as the pure, undivided reality.

In this prayer, every attribute of Brahman is not just a quality but a pointer towards the profound and indescribable nature of the divine. The invocation recognizes Brahman as the ultimate source, essence, and reality that lies at the heart of all existence. The prayer is both a homage and a means to meditate upon the vast, ungraspable, and sublime nature of the supreme consciousness that Brahman represents.