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Jagannatha Dasa Bhagabata – Oriya Version of Srimad Bhagavad Puran

Jagannatha Dasa Bhagabata is a classic text in Oriya which contains ethical principles, philosophical ideas and spiritual values. This Oriya version of Srimad Bhagavad Puran was completed during the 16th century AD and is credited to Jagannatha Dasa.

The original version contains eleven volumes or Skandas. There is a 12th and 13th chapter which many believe was composed by some other poet.

From the arrangement of the theme in Jagannatha Dasa Bhagabata, the eleventh volume appears to be the last because it describes the departure of Bhagavan Sri Krishna from earth.

Jagannatha Dasa Bhagabata contains 329 chapters. The author has deviated from the original text in several ways.